Obstetrics at Graz Ragnitz Private Hospital
Premium care for mother and child
Tip: You can find detailled information (in German) on the website of Obstetrics at Graz Ragnitz Private Hospital.
For an event as important as the birth of a child, you should feel as comfortable as possible and you and your baby should not lack anything. Our maternity hospital offers a comprehensive program that goes beyond medical care.
At our facility, of course, we keep a competent team of doctors, midwives and nurses available to take care of all birth-related needs, but it is your wishes that are paramount: You are welcome to bring the doctor and the midwife of your choice to us and also decide how you want to bring your child into the world, provided there are no complications. In that case we make the most up-to-date medical equipment available for the safety of you and that of your baby.
In addition to a wide array of medical services offered we have created the perfect physical environment: Our delightfully furnished rooms combine playful decoration with an atmosphere of security and professional service, so you can forget you are in a hospital and enjoy an “almost like home” experience.
You can choose among the following services prior to, during and after giving birth:
Birthing classes
- Midwife classes
- Pain-free birth
- Outpatient birth
- Selection of birthing landscape/technique
- Caeserean section
- Postpartum care
- Examinations,consultiatons and courses for the postnatal period
You may also contact us in person - we are open to all of your questions!
Obstetrics Graz Ragnitz Private Hospital - Semmelweis Station
Berthold-Linder-Weg 15 | 8047 Graz, Austria
Tel.: +43 (0)316 596-0 | Fax: +43 (0)316 596-1200
E-Mail: geburtshilfe@pkg.at (OR: obstetrics@pkg.at)
Website: www.geburtshilfe-graz.at (in German)